Wildlife Control

Protection warranty from Pests and Rodents All Year Long.
We protect homes, offices, restaurants, warehouses, and multi-unit properties by removing animals and sealing them out.

Residential and Commercial Wildlife Issues
Wild animals will make their presence known. Strange noises and distinct odors may impact the quality of life in your home or business. These are usually the first signs of wildlife. The damage caused by an animal generally goes unseen because it happens between the walls, in the attic, or in your crawl space. Most wild animals carry parasites or diseases that can impact your health.

Wildlife Relocation
Have a wildlife issue? Relocating wildlife is a complex task requiring professional experience. Removing an animal or a group of animals from your property is just one part of the relocation process. Several factors must be taken into account when removing the animal as well as when and where the animal is relocated. We take these responsibilities seriously and encourage you to contact our professionals if your residential property is threatened by wildlife.

Animal Removal
The most common wildlife control service we offer is humane animal removal. Each situation calls for a unique removal strategy, involving either one-way doors or live cage traps. Whether it’s for skunks, squirrels, raccoons, possums, gophers, groundhogs, chipmunks, rats, or voles, Complete Pest Control is equipped and committed to respond appropriately to your animal removal needs.

Dead Animal Removal
Dead animals can cause dangerous infections if not handled properly. Our wildlife removal services include dead animal removal, including birds, bats, squirrels, skunks, raccoons, deer, and more. The odors also can attract more wildlife to your residence.

Animal Damage Repair
Wildlife can cause substantial damage to both commercial and residential properties. Damages include structural damages, soiled insulation, chimney damage, roof destruction, plant destruction, and more. Complete Pest Control’s specialists can help treat for wildlife, prepare insurance bids, and restore affected areas of your property.

Wildlife Exclusion & Prevention
Complete Pest Control Control can help prevent major problems before they start with a variety of animal exclusion techniques. Each property requires a unique prevention strategy based on home entry points, the availability of food, water and shelter, and the type/s of animals being targeted for exclusion so don’t wait until it’s too late!